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Who We Are

Media Law Forum is formed with a mandate in building collective platform for media reforms in Sri Lanka with the participation of lawyers, journalists and other relevant stakeholders.

We at the Media Law Forum will be engaged in research, training, networking and partnerships for the betterment of Sri Lanka’s media related laws, policies and practices among journalists and other stakeholders. The lack of comprehensive legal assistance for affected journalists to secure relief within Sri Lanka’s labour related legal protections has been a long felt need. The establishment of MLF will be the pioneering effort in filling this vacuum.


to consistently provide legal support to journalists in need of legal assistance

Proactively engaging

with media owners and government actors to improve climate for journalist rights

Sharing intervention

best practices with like-minded organizations contributing to a more equitable and fair media landscape


for establishing a socially responsible media culture

MLF is incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee under the Companies Act, No 07 of 2007, on 25th September 2020

Board of Directors

Viranjana Herath

Viranjana Herath

Hana Ibrahim

Hana Ibrahim

Jagath Wickramanayake

Jagath Wickramanayake


Operations Team

Prabodha Rathnayaka

Prabodha Rathnayaka

Director Operations
Anoma De Alwis

Anoma De Alwis

Finance and Administration Manager
Dulmini Ekanayake

Dulmini Ekanayake

Project Manager
Nayana Tharanga Gamage

Nayana Tharanga Gamage

Project Coordinator
Hasitha Kasun Hapuarachchi

Hasitha Kasun Hapuarachchi

Project Coordinator
Wasana Dharmasiri

Wasana Dharmasiri

Isurangi Senevirathna

Isurangi Senevirathna

Audit/ Project Assistant
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